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Dulcimer U Summer Gathering

Dulcimer U Summer Week 2018


July 20-25, 2025
Cullowhee, NC

REGISTRATION for 2025 is now open!

NOTE: WCU has just launched a new registration system that looks very different from the one we've used in the past. Please pay close attention to the step-by-step instructions for registering for the conference and then choosing your classes. You will need to create an account to get started. 

VERY IMPORTANT: Please review all morning skills and afternoon elective class descriptions carefully BEFORE you begin your registraiton. 

Morning Skills Courses
Afternoon Electives
Accommodations & Meals
Instructor Bios

About Registration and Costs:

  • Please review all class descriptions before registering as you will need to choose from several options.
  • The registration cost for participants is $350.00 plus optional accommodations and meal packages.
  • Registration includes a materials fee in an effort to partially offset the instructors' cost of photocopying (and in some cases shipping) their class handouts. Includes all confirmed classes, staff concerts and events for the week, all musical hand-out materials for confirmed classes, and university fees.   
  • There is a Non-Participant fee of $80 that applies to guests or non-participating spouses who are staying ON campus with with a registered participant.  The fee includes admission to all concerts, open stage/ensembles group recital, and jam sessions. The fee does not include admission to any morning skills or afternoon elective classes.
  • Companions sharing a room will be required to purchase a double occupancy package. For their safety, children are not eligible to be non-participant attendees.

Larry and Elaine holding dulcimers outside


Message from our Dulcimer U Hosts, Larry & Elaine Conger:

Thanks for visiting the Dulcimer U web site! We are excited that you are considering joining us for a week of dulcimer music, fun and fellowship in July. Again this year, we have put together a first class instructional staff, many of whom have earned their Master's and Doctoral degrees in various educational fields, along with several regional and national mountain dulcimer championships. Their experience in the classroom as an instructor as well as on stage as a performer make them the very best at what they do!

The goal of Dulcimer U is to provide you the finest educational experience you can find at any dulcimer event while still maintaining a relaxed, fun-filled atmosphere - offering something for everyone, no matter what the experience level. The college campus setting has provided us with an opportunity to implement some specialized courses in addition to our core curriculums - the basic skills classes for all ability levels. The afternoon elective schedule will address a plethora of topics that are sure to appeal to everyone.

One of the most appreciated features of Dulcimer U is the use of the Blue Ridge Residence Hall and Conference Center, which allows us to have virtually all classes, concerts, jam sessions, and vendor area inside one building. This eliminates the need to shuttle from building to building. We are also within just a few steps of the cafeteria on campus, Courtyard Dining Hall. This means that once you park your car on Sunday, you will be able to easily access all of the week's activities without the need for transportation. We are 100% handicapped accessible.

While we are extremely proud of our facilities and our instructional staff, Dulcimer U is not about showcasing them. Rather, it is about U, the participant. We work hard to make this week the very best that it can be for each individual, whether you be a new player or a seasoned veteran.

This is a personal invitation to check out what we have to offer in the way of instruction and to join us for this very special week of learning more about the mountain dulcimer. We look forward to making music with you this summer!

Larry & Elaine Conger

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